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8. Poznań Half Marathon mobile application is an instant access to the latest news on the race. It has been made for the half marathon contestants and spectators as well as all the sportsmen keen on running.
It offers training plans for the runners on different levels of advance, maps and a course profile. Users may calculate between times of the run when they know their goal times. It gives answers to frequently asked questions by contestants and makes the preparation time for this big day pleasant and well organized.

Application is very useful also on the day of the half marathon for spectators, who may follow their friends on the map with the app or watch an on-line coverage!

It is also a facilitation for Poznań citizens, who may use the application to familiarize themselves with the course and avoid the city streets closed due to the race.

Thanks to the application, the runners may feel the atmosphere of the half marathon long before the event by watching photos on Instagram or videos on YouTube from the previous editions of the run. Plenty of photos and videos are uploaded there by people taking part in the half marathon on the day of the race which makes the application an easy way to get a real time transmission from the event.


Application is available only in Polish language.
To download 8. Poznań Half Marathon mobile application for Android system

go to website:


scan QR Code

qr google - Mobile application

Application is available only in Polish language.
To download 8. Poznań Half Marathon mobile application for Apple system

go to website:


scan QR Code

qr itunes - Mobile application